Thursday, April 14, 2011

Say my name.

I wonder how adorable I was when I was a little girl. At home, I'm the princess. Not literally like a real princess but that kind of princess of a family living a simple lifestyle. I'm the only girl. I have two little brothers, so yes I am the eldest.

I was born in the Philippines, and I grew up in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My Mom gave me a palayaw (nickname): MILYANG. It was a real mystery. I never knew what does it mean not until internet became a popular way of doing research. My Mom told me that Milyang was extracted from my name: Camille and the yang was given to me by my yaya (nanny). They called me that ever since.

So while I was sitting on my desk, figuring out what productive thing I must do in order for me to stay intact, I thought of researching my nickname through the internet and it says here:

So, it was a place in Korea. Lol.
I stopped using my pen name when I was in grade school, I kind of feel like it's baduy (old school) So I gave myself a new nickname: Chesca. Whatever.

Now, I used my pen name as my watermark in my photos.

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